A-1 RV & Trailer Supply opened its doors the winter of 2020. We understand the reality of not being able to wait days for urgent parts or spending countless hours searching for that one particular item to get the job done.
We’ve sourced parts from across the country to keep inventory high and all the items you might need under one roof.
We offer a friendly and informative environment where you can shop for a wide range of RV & trailer parts. Selection and helpful advice are only the start of what we offer our customers. We can help you select the correct replacement part suited for your RV or trailer at a budget that fits your needs.
We strive to make your experience simple and easy with the right part the first time. Please call for any assistance.

Complete replacements, Fabric Replacements, Hardware components and replacement arms and accessories

Air Conditioning service parts for Coleman and Dometic. Complete upper Air conditioning units. | Furnace service parts for Suburban, Atwood, Dometic, Duotherm and Hydroflame.
Free circuit board testing. Ventilation Fantastic fan and Maxxair vents. Complete vents both 12v and nonpowered. All replacement parts

Refrigerators Service parts for Dometic and Norcold as well as complete units in stock. | Water heater service parts for Suburban and Atwood service parts in stock. | Furnaces - Service parts for Suburban, atwood, Dometic, Duotherm and Hydroflame in stock. Stoves and more

We carry a large selection of interior and exterior lighting in both LED and incandescent. 12v batteries, Switches, back up cameras, satellites, solar and more.
110v Extension cords, adaptors,
Converters, Inverters, Generators and transfer switches. All in stock

Axles, suspension and leveling
We source our 2k-7k lbs. axles locally and can typically be obtained in the same day. We carry hubs, drums, brakes, springs, bearings and seals in house.
As well as all axle hanging components, tongue jacks, scissor jacks and leveling accessories.

Various brands of 5th wheel & gooseneck hitches. We can help you adapt from one system to another. Couplers come in a variety of styles and ball sizes.
Whether its on an A-frame or a channel, we
stock all types. We carry ball mounts with 2” and 2.5” shanks with various drops and ball sizes or just go with an Adjustable ball mounts. Receivers available.
Water and Sanitation
Fresh water components for interior and exterior. Faucets, fittings, hoses and
tanks. | Black water valves, treatments, drain hoses and toilets

Look no further - your dream RV Supply Store is here! Come in and be amazed by our vast selection and incredible prices.
2160 Bell Ave, Sacramento, CA 95838, USA